Friday, May 27, 2011


Sometimes simplicity is good...especially for me, when I am so busy and stressed.   When I get busy and life gets complicated, and I get so caught up in everything I am DOING...I need to have this little motto tied out in front of me on a stick and hanging right down in front of me like a carrot out in front of a horse.  "Remember Chuck,  LOVE GOD & LOVE PEOPLE !"    Sounds easy enough doesn't it?    I think it was fairly high up on Jesus priority list too.  When Jesus was ask, what is the greatest commandment...his response was basically, LOVE GOD & LOVE PEOPLE!. Matt 22: 34-39    I guess that is once again my prayer then... that in  the midst of crazy, busy, hectic demanding times....that I can stick with the basics and not get so caught up in the stuff that has to be done...that I am not able to keep priorities in line with how God would have them ordered in my life.   Jesus was filled with compassion for people on a regular basis.  I know that I am not compassionate on a regular basis, and can even try to explain it away, due to the fact that I am not able to BE compassionate right now...due to whatever excuse I might have at the moment.  So, as I begin another busy season...the most busy season of the year for me...I am asking God that in the midst of responsibilities...that I might be able to keep HIM and OTHERS first...before the rat race.
By the way, I almost missed the exclamation point after this verse in Matthew.  If you add vs. 40 into the get a giant exclamation point!  If I could paraphrase this verse...I would say, "Everything else depends on this!"  (keeping God and others first).  Matt 22:34-40

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