Monday, October 4, 2010

A Fun Weekend - Homecomings, Marching Band Festival, Date Night & a Buck!

We started this weekend off with the VCL Homecoming Parade, with Zack in the Vandy Marching Band, and Caleb was riding on the Cross Country Team "Pick-up Float".   The Homecoming football game itself was a bit depressing, with a big loss and several guys getting hurt.  I feel pretty bad for the team this year. 

Saturday morning brought a call from Caleb telling us he had shot a deer and was heading back out to track it with his cousin Scott.  (Caleb and Zack had spent the night at Grandpa & Grandma's house, so Caleb could get up and hunt and Zack could be taken early to Marching Band Festival).   By the time Rene' and I got over to the Osborne Ranch, Caleb and Scott had found the buck and were in the process of field dressing it.  Caleb had made a nice shot and the buck had only run about 70 yards. 

The Band Festival was a lot of fun, even with a light rain.  All the bands seem to want to make it fun and light hearted...which made it a lot of fun for everyone.

After the Band Festival, the boys hung out until their plans later in the evening, when they were both attending the Western High School Dance, as guests to some friends at Western.  Rene' and I were headed for a wedding at JFM and then a date night in Lansing, and a trip to one of our favorite restaurants, Cheddar's.

1 comment:

  1. i am craving cheddar's onion rings and dip!
