Sunday, July 25, 2010

West-Side Missions, Family and Family Camp, Kids in Honduras, and Septic Field Problems

The past few weeks have been the busiest of the summer.  Getting ready for Family Camp here at SBC is always a very busy time...and then getting through it is almost equally busy, although, it went fairly well, with only a couple glitches (one of which I will give a few details here soon).  But, at the same time, I was getting ready for Family Camp, Rene' and Zack were involved in a West-side of Michigan Missions experience at our very own Bangor Free Methodist Church.  This trip was primarily for those teens that were not able to be part of the Honduras trip, and it was a huge shot in the arm for the Bangor church, and a great way for our teens to be able to serve.  Rene' and Zack got home just in time for Family Camp to begin and my Mom and Dad, sister Cyndi, nephew Benton, neice Kayce, and her friend Shelby to come up from Greenville and Nashville to be with us for Family Camp!   It was great having all of them join us for an extended stay and made Family Camp even more special!  As soon as Family Camp was over, both Emily and Caleb took off with our JFM Youth Group to Honduras for their missions trip that was cancelled last year due to political unrest in Honduras...but which is currently happening as I write this and is going very well and God is working in hearts and lives in many ways! (I look forward to giving more updates on this when they get back with pics and stories to share).  And then the most recent happening on a more personal level, is our failing septic field here at the North Bath House, which Marv Fisher (an awesome volunteer) has been helping me try to fix.  We have put a couple days into the project, and feel we are making some progress, but still have a way to go yet.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know until today that you had a blog . . . I'm not sure how that slipped past me!
