Flying a flag upside down is a symbol of distress. I believe our country is indeed in distress in many ways and have strayed far from what God would have it to be...and what's worse, many of us are just sitting around and watching it happen. In fact, I think many of us don't really know what to do...so, we end up doing nothing. Sure, I may vote in the election for the candidate of my choice, try to live an upright and moral life, go to church every Sunday, and occasionally even speak out, for or against certain activities, people, causes or otherwise. But, even though these are good, what positive change has occurred in our nation as a result of these actions? So, what is it that needs to happen? What is it that we are all waiting for to bring about the needed changes? I believe it is a leader to rally around. Someone that lives an upright and moral life and is an example of the type of changes needed in our country, and someone determined to see those changes occur...no matter what! Conviction and determination, no matter what...even it would mean the end of his career or even his own life. If you need an example of the type of conviction I am talking about and want to watch a good movie at the same time, find a copy of the movie, "Amazing Grace" and watch it. It is the story of William Wilberforce, whose passion and perseverance changed the world. I am looking for a modern-day William Wilberforce to change the current state of our nation.
So, in the meantime, I choose to fly my flag upside down as a symbol of my own desire to see a better day, a brighter day, and as a symbol of my hope for seeing a brighter tomorrow for our country!!!
Here is a link for the movie if you want to check it out:
or buy it: